Addressing modes

Available addressing modes are listed below.

  • Accumulator. The operand is the Accumulator.
  • Absolute. The operand is located at a given absolute address (16-bit addressing-space).
  • Absolute, X-Indexed. The operand is located at the absolute address + the X index value.
  • Absolute, Y-Indexed. The operand is located at the absolute address + the Y index value.
  • Immediate. The operand is encoded with the instruction.
  • Implied. The operand is implicit in the context of the instruction (not provided by the user).
  • Indirect. The address field in the instruction contains the memory location where the effective address of the operand is present.
  • X-indexed, indirect. The value at the address field in the instruction plus the X register points to the memory location where the effective address of the operand is present.
  • Indirect, Y-indexed. The operand is the same as in an indirect access, except the obtained value is added with the Y register.
  • Relative. The operand is the PC + a signed offset (used for branching).
  • Zeropage. The operand is a zeropage address (single byte).
  • Zeropage X-indexed. The operand is a zeropage address incremented by X.
  • Zeropage Y-indexed. The operand is a zeropage address incremented by Y.